По прогнозу в Briancon: Умеренный снегопад, максимальное выпадение во вторник вечером. Температура будет ниже точки замерзания (максимум -4°C во вторник утром, минимум -7°C в среду вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Briancon Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Briancon is: Умеренный снегопад, максимальное выпадение во вторник вечером. Температура будет ниже точки замерзания (максимум -4°C во вторник утром, минимум -7°C в среду вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Briancon Weather (Days 4-6): Выпадет большое количество снега, максимум в субботу утром. Температура будет ниже точки замерзания (максимум -5°C в пятницу утром, минимум -10°C в субботу вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
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Погода в Briancon
(следующие 3 дня):
По прогнозу в Briancon: Умеренный снегопад, максимальное выпадение во вторник вечером. Температура будет ниже точки замерзания (максимум -4°C во вторник утром, минимум -7°C в среду вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Погода в Briancon (дни 4-6):
Выпадет большое количество снега, максимум в субботу утром. Температура будет ниже точки замерзания (максимум -5°C в пятницу утром, минимум -10°C в субботу вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Clear skies at Sauze d'Oulx (Vialattea). No wind here. About freezing. New snow is shin deep. Most lifts are open. Excellent snow conditions on piste. It's an off-piste powder day! from Sauze d'Oulx (Vialattea)
41km расст. from Briancon
- Office de Tourisme de Val Thorens23 hour ранее
All lifts open, perfect snow conditions. Good news, snow is forecast. from Val Thorens
Следующее обновление: ч мин с
6 Day Forecast
сгенерирован: 6 am 11 Mar 2025 / Обновление через ::
Умеренный снегопад, максимальное выпадение во вторник вечером. Температура будет ниже точки замерзания (максимум -4°C во вторник утром, минимум -7°C в среду вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Next 4-6 days weather summary:
Выпадет большое количество снега, максимум в субботу утром. Температура будет ниже точки замерзания (максимум -5°C в пятницу утром, минимум -10°C в субботу вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Clear skies at Sauze d'Oulx (Vialattea). No wind here. About freezing. New snow is shin deep. Most lifts are open. Excellent snow conditions on piste. It's an off-piste powder day! from Sauze d'Oulx (Vialattea)
41km расст. from Briancon
- Office de Tourisme de Val Thorens23 hour ранее
All lifts open, perfect snow conditions. Good news, snow is forecast. from Val Thorens
Таблица выше представляет прогноз погоды в Briancon, сформированный для определенной высоты: 2501 m. Наши уточненные погодные модели позволяют дифференцировать прогнозы между вершиной, серединой и нижней точкой катания на склоне Briancon. Чтобы переключаться между ними, используйте линки выше таблицы. Чтобы получить предоставление об изменении погоды в регионе в целом, попробуйте наши Погодные карты для France.
Briancon is also known as Serre Chevalier 1200. It is now fully part of the extensive SC system and linked in by a fast gondola to the Prorel mountain. The lift company has invested 50 million Euros into new lifts over the past few years so there are rarely any queues and plenty of new fast 6 person chair lifts. We have skied, as a family, at Serre Chevalier for the past 20 years but have also skied at most of the big resorts in France, Switzerland and Austria over the past 30 years. We return to SC every year as the locals are so helpful, the ski area is 250km of piste and well linked plus the resort is very family friendly. Because of the 4000m+ peaks surrounding SC low cloud can't get into the valley, so the local claim of 300 days of sunshine per year is valid. It is generally either snowing or blue skies. The snow record is better than anywhere else I know in the Alps and there is plenty of good skiing for beginners to advanced. Briancon is a decent size town so has 2 big supermarkets to help keep costs reasonable. The 'old town' is medieval and has UNESCO World Heritage status. Staying in Briancon is the best option but try and get close to the main access point at the Prorel Gondola (google 'Briancon apartments'). I'd suggest self catering as the local hotels are not great and quite expensive. There are also swimming pools and a 1st Division Ice Hockey team that is well worth watching (Les Diables Rouge). The Italian border is only 15 minutes drive away if you want a 'genuine' Italian meal. If you want more variety the lift pass allows 1 days skiing at several other local French & Italian resorts (La Grave, Les Deux Alpes, Montgenevre, Claviere, Sestriere, Puy St Vincent & Souze d'Oulx).
Briancon is also known as Serre Chevalier 1200. It is now fully part of the extensive SC system and linked in by a fast gondola to the Prorel mountain. The lift company has invested 50 million Euros into new lifts over the past few years so there are rarely any queues and plenty of new fast 6 person chair lifts. We have skied, as a family, at Serre Chevalier for the past 20 years but have also skied at most of the big resorts in France, Switzerland and Austria over the past 30 years. We return to SC every year as the locals are so helpful, the ski area is 250km of piste and well linked plus the resort is very family friendly. Because of the 4000m+ peaks surrounding SC low cloud can't get into the valley, so the local claim of 300 days of sunshine per year is valid. It is generally either snowing or blue skies. The snow record is better than anywhere else I know in the Alps and there is plenty of good skiing for beginners to advanced. Briancon is a decent size town so has 2 big supermarkets to help keep costs reasonable. The 'old town' is medieval and has UNESCO World Heritage status. Staying in Briancon is the best option but try and get close to the main access point at the Prorel Gondola (google 'Briancon apartments'). I'd suggest self catering as the local hotels are not great and quite expensive. There are also swimming pools and a 1st Division Ice Hockey team that is well worth watching (Les Diables Rouge). The Italian border is only 15 minutes drive away if you want a 'genuine' Italian meal. If you want more variety the lift pass allows 1 days skiing at several other local French & Italian resorts (La Grave, Les Deux Alpes, Montgenevre, Claviere, Sestriere, Puy St Vincent & Souze d'Oulx).
Бесплатный погодный виджет Snow-Forecast, который вы можете установить в своем веб-сайте.
The Briancon skiing weather widget is available to embed on external websites free of charge. It provides a daily summary of our Briancon snow forecast and current weather conditions. Simply go to the feed configuration page and follow the 3 simple steps to grab the custom html code snippet and paste it into your own site. You can choose the snow forecast elevation (summit, mid-mountain or bottom lift) and metric/imperial units for the snow forecast feed to suit your own website…. Нажмите здесь, чтобы получить код для HTML-страницы.