Последний снегопад:
Отчет из курорта:
Снега не прогнозируется | |
Существенного выпадения снега не прогнозируется | |
Состояние снега в Foncine Le Haut
- 0Дней с ясной погодой при свежем снеге/пухе
- 0Дней с пухом или свежим снегом
- 1Дней с ясной погодой
Состояние снега в Foncine Le Haut: из 1 Открыто подъемников. Our model predicted that 6cm (2.4 inches) of snow fell over 36 hours between Friday 14 of March at 10PM and Sunday 16 of March at 10AM CET at the mid mountain level
Снежный покров наверху: | ||
Снежный покров внизу: |
Наш отчет о снеге в Foncine Le Haut содержит ежедневные обновления состояния снега, глубины снежного покрова, условий на трассах и вне трасс, а также число работающих подъемнков. Последний отчет из Foncine Le Haut, показанный ниже, был обновлен 16 Mar 2025. Снежные отчеты предоставляются регулярно в течение горнолыжного сезона нашей сетью партнеров и менеджеров из курортов, а также Skiresort Service International GmbH. В дополнение к последнему отчету об условиях на склоне, мы показываем веб-камеры (включая 4-недельный архив изображений), текущие наблюдения с близлежащих метеостанций и исторические данные о климате в Foncine Le Haut.
Снега не прогнозируется | |
Существенного выпадения снега не прогнозируется | |
Наблюдения около Foncine Le Haut:
0.1 | Дней с ясной погодой при свежем снеге/пухе Свежий снег, в основном ясная погода, слабый ветер |
0.4 | Дней с пухом или свежим снегом Свежий снег, пасмурно, ветер любой |
0.0 | Дней с ясной погодой Обычный снег, в основном ясно, слабый ветер |
Наблюдения около Foncine Le Haut:
Зарегистрированная глубина снега в верхней и нижней части склона в Foncine Le Haut 2024 - 2025. Долгосрочное среднее значение для верхней части склона также показано для сравнения
Найдите лучшие условия для горных лыж и сноуборда около Foncine Le Haut, используя нашу страницу поиска снега.
Курорт | Выпущено: вчера 7.5 miles расстояние | Выпущено: вчера 8.7 miles расстояние | Выпущено: вчера 9.3 miles расстояние | Выпущено: вчера 11.8 miles расстояние | Выпущено: вчера 12.4 miles расстояние |
Вебкамера | |||||
Глубины снега | Верх склона Низ склона — — | Верх склона Низ склона — — | Верх склона Низ склона — — | Верх склона Низ склона — — | Верх склона Низ склона — — |
Трассы | — | — | — | — | — |
Вне трасс | — | — | — | — | — |
Состояние трасс | |||||
Последний снегопад | Количество: Дата: 0.4 in 2 дней назад | Количество: Дата: 0.4 in 2 дней назад | Количество: Дата: 0.4 in 2 дней назад | Количество: Дата: 0.4 in 2 дней назад | Количество: Дата: 0.4 in 2 дней назад |
Следующие 9 дней | 0-3 3-6 6-9 0.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in | 0-3 3-6 6-9 0.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in | 0-3 3-6 6-9 0.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in | 0-3 3-6 6-9 0.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in | 0-3 3-6 6-9 0.0 in 0.0 in 0.0 in |
Погода | Sun Mon Tue Mid station 3773 ft | Sun Mon Tue Mid station 4515 ft | Sun Mon Tue Mid station 4679 ft | Sun Mon Tue Mid station 4751 ft | Sun Mon Tue Mid station 4593 ft |
The snow report describes the piste and off-piste ski conditions at Foncine Le Haut. You can submit an updated snow report here. Piste and off-piste are often different so we ask snow reporters to describe Foncine Le Haut piste and off-piste conditions separately. If these details are missing from the Foncine Le Haut snow report, you can predict off-piste conditions using the snow depth, the date of the most recent snowfall at Foncine Le Haut, the Foncine Le Haut weather report and the forecast.
Members can check the hindcast for a timeline of Foncine Le Haut weather conditions. This detailed weather log makes it easy to predict snow conditions at Foncine Le Haut, even when the snow report is too old to be useful. The hindcast shows when our weather model last predicted snowfall at Foncine Le Haut. It shows how much snow we think fell then, and the way freezing level, wind and weather have varied through time. You will be able to predict whether to expect off-piste powder, slush, spring snow, ice or wind crust.
If you see a report of powder or fresh snow conditions several days after snow last fell, there is usually a good reason. At crowded ski resorts, off-piste new snow will be tracked out within hours of a fresh fall but wherever crowds are light in relation to the accessible terrain, it will be possible to stay fresh much later, perhaps several days later. Alternatively, strong winds sometimes redistribute powder snow enough to cover old tracks, or it may simply be that the ski area was not fully open for some period after the snow fell, so fresh snow that fell a while ago has remained un-tracked until this report.
Whenever weather conditions change, Foncine Le Haut snow conditions will change too, so it is important to check the time and date of the Foncine Le Haut snow report and to guess what effect the weather will have had on snow quality between then and now. For example, the Foncine Le Haut snow report on Friday afternoon may indicate fresh powder but if Friday night is mild and rainy then ski conditions will be very poor on Saturday morning. Conversely, if the weather stays stable and cold, the same snow report can be valid for more than a week. We advise that you check the Foncine Le Haut snow forecast to see if conditions are likely to change before your visit.
Many skiers enjoy moguls and fast icy pistes but for off-piste skiers and free-ride snowboarders, fresh snow starts to deteriorate from the moment it settles. Wind, rain and periods of above-freezing temperature are the primary cause of the evolution from fresh powder to windslab, ice or slush. High altitude slopes that are shaded from the sun and sheltered from the wind preserve powder stashes longer after fresh snowfall. If the snow report mentions pockets of powder at Foncine Le Haut, study the Foncine Le Haut piste map in relation to the wind direction to determine the most likely locations.
We stress the importance of checking the date on the Foncine Le Haut snow report particularly around weekends. For example, the snow report for Foncine Le Haut on Friday may indicate powder after recent snowfall but following a sunny and busy weekend, when the locals hit the mountains en masse, the ski conditions (at any resort) can deteriorate rapidly and late arrivals may see very different ski conditions. Of course some people look for deteriorating conditions in the snow report for the likely development of mogul fields but for powder lovers and particularly snowboarders this can mean tracked out off-piste snow. Of course, this doesn’t always happen quickly after fresh snowfall particularly at quiet Север facing resorts at high altitude where genuine powder stashes may be found days or even weeks later. It is worth checking the piste map for Foncine Le Haut (found in menu above) for the location of favourable slopes that may be described in the "Foncine Le Haut Snow Conditions" part of the snow report. In addition to checking the Foncine Le Haut snow report we recommend that you check the snow forecasts found in the menu at the top of the page along with our ski resort guide.