По прогнозу в Obergurgl: Умеренный снегопад, максимальное выпадение в понедельник утром. Замерзание-таяние (максимум 2°C в понедельник утром, минимум -5°C в среду вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Obergurgl Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Obergurgl is: Умеренный снегопад, максимальное выпадение в понедельник утром. Замерзание-таяние (максимум 2°C в понедельник утром, минимум -5°C в среду вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Obergurgl Weather (Days 4-6): Немного покроет свежим снегом в пятницу вечером перейдет в моросящий дождь в субботу утром. Замерзание-таяние (максимум 2°C в субботу утром, минимум -4°C в четверг вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Последние наблюдения в Obergurgl
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Погода в Obergurgl
(следующие 3 дня):
По прогнозу в Obergurgl: Умеренный снегопад, максимальное выпадение в понедельник утром. Замерзание-таяние (максимум 2°C в понедельник утром, минимум -5°C в среду вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Погода в Obergurgl (дни 4-6):
Немного покроет свежим снегом в пятницу вечером перейдет в моросящий дождь в субботу утром. Замерзание-таяние (максимум 2°C в субботу утром, минимум -4°C в четверг вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Умеренный снегопад, максимальное выпадение в понедельник утром. Замерзание-таяние (максимум 2°C в понедельник утром, минимум -5°C в среду вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Next 4-6 days weather summary:
Немного покроет свежим снегом в пятницу вечером перейдет в моросящий дождь в субботу утром. Замерзание-таяние (максимум 2°C в субботу утром, минимум -4°C в четверг вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Таблица выше представляет прогноз погоды в Obergurgl, сформированный для определенной высоты: 1800 m. Наши уточненные погодные модели позволяют дифференцировать прогнозы между вершиной, серединой и нижней точкой катания на склоне Obergurgl. Чтобы переключаться между ними, используйте линки выше таблицы. Чтобы получить предоставление об изменении погоды в регионе в целом, попробуйте наши Погодные карты для Austria.
I would reiterate what most of the other reviews have said. The lift infrastructure is excellent with hardly any slow lifts or drag lifts. Consequently, there are few queues. However, the so-called Top Express link to Hochgurgl is hardly speedy, and it would probably be quicker to get on the frequent ski buses that plough up and down the valley. If you're expecting to see something like the link between Les Arc and La Plagne, you will be disappointed. The lift pass is quite expensive by Austrian standards, even allowing for the fact that it's valid in Sölden. The main lifts from the resort close promptly at 4 p.m., which, again, is early compared to other resorts.
The skiing and snow conditions were generally excellent, mostly of reds and blues, but there are a few 'token' blacks. There's probably more variety in Hochgurgl than Obergurgl. Good intermediate skiers would probably ski out the resort in a couple of days. Piste marking is poor - only one side of the piste is marked, which made it quite interesting when we found ourselves skiing in misty/snowy conditions. Signposting isn’t great, either.
You need to bear in mind that this is one of the highest resorts in Austria. This is great for snow conditions and snow sureness, but the resort is also susceptible to high winds. So, on one day, despite the sunny weather, all of the resort lifts were closed, and on another day most of the lifts were closed in the morning with only the low-down lifts on the W of the resort operational.
It is possible on days like this to get the bus to Sölden, which is a lower resort. But, as everybody from Obergurgl seemed to be doing that on the day we went, there is the inevitable crowding and chaos on the narrow pistes down to Sölden. Another possibility on days such as these is to visit the fantastic motor cycle museum at Top Mountain Crosspoint. It’s a must for motorcycle buffs and entry is included on most lift passes.
The resort is very quiet in the evening - great for oldies - but if you're looking for vibrant apres-ski, you'll need to look elsewhere. For those in self-catering accommodation, there are few shops selling Lebensmittel, and the largest shop in the village (Spar) closes at 4.30; just in time for you to miss out after your last run down to the resort (!)
Overall, though, it’s a good resort for beginners and intermediates, especially later in the season when the lower Austrian resorts revert to slush in the afternoon.
I would reiterate what most of the other reviews have said. The lift infrastructure is excellent with hardly any slow lifts or drag lifts. Consequently, there are few queues. However, the so-called Top Express link to Hochgurgl is hardly speedy, and it would probably be quicker to get on the frequent ski buses that plough up and down the valley. If you're expecting to see something like the link between Les Arc and La Plagne, you will be disappointed. The lift pass is quite expensive by Austrian standards, even allowing for the fact that it's valid in Sölden. The main lifts from the resort close promptly at 4 p.m., which, again, is early compared to other resorts.
The skiing and snow conditions were generally excellent, mostly of reds and blues, but there are a few 'token' blacks. There's probably more variety in Hochgurgl than Obergurgl. Good intermediate skiers would probably ski out the resort in a couple of days. Piste marking is poor - only one side of the piste is marked, which made it quite interesting when we found ourselves skiing in misty/snowy conditions. Signposting isn’t great, either.
You need to bear in mind that this is one of the highest resorts in Austria. This is great for snow conditions and snow sureness, but the resort is also susceptible to high winds. So, on one day, despite the sunny weather, all of the resort lifts were closed, and on another day most of the lifts were closed in the morning with only the low-down lifts on the W of the resort operational.
It is possible on days like this to get the bus to Sölden, which is a lower resort. But, as everybody from Obergurgl seemed to be doing that on the day we went, there is the inevitable crowding and chaos on the narrow pistes down to Sölden. Another possibility on days such as these is to visit the fantastic motor cycle museum at Top Mountain Crosspoint. It’s a must for motorcycle buffs and entry is included on most lift passes.
The resort is very quiet in the evening - great for oldies - but if you're looking for vibrant apres-ski, you'll need to look elsewhere. For those in self-catering accommodation, there are few shops selling Lebensmittel, and the largest shop in the village (Spar) closes at 4.30; just in time for you to miss out after your last run down to the resort (!)
Overall, though, it’s a good resort for beginners and intermediates, especially later in the season when the lower Austrian resorts revert to slush in the afternoon.
Бесплатный погодный виджет Snow-Forecast, который вы можете установить в своем веб-сайте.
The Obergurgl skiing weather widget is available to embed on external websites free of charge. It provides a daily summary of our Obergurgl snow forecast and current weather conditions. Simply go to the feed configuration page and follow the 3 simple steps to grab the custom html code snippet and paste it into your own site. You can choose the snow forecast elevation (summit, mid-mountain or bottom lift) and metric/imperial units for the snow forecast feed to suit your own website…. Нажмите здесь, чтобы получить код для HTML-страницы.