По прогнозу в Mzaar Ski Resort: Слабый дождь (всего 3.0mm), выпадающий, в основном в понедельник утром. Сравнительно теплая погода (максимум 8°C в среду утром, минимум 2°C в понедельник утром). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Mzaar Ski Resort Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Mzaar Ski Resort is: Слабый дождь (всего 3.0mm), выпадающий, в основном в понедельник утром. Сравнительно теплая погода (максимум 8°C в среду утром, минимум 2°C в понедельник утром). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Mzaar Ski Resort Weather (Days 4-6): Преимущественно сухо. Очень тепло (максимум 12°C в субботу утром, минимум 8°C в четверг утром). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
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Погода в Mzaar Ski Resort
(следующие 3 дня):
По прогнозу в Mzaar Ski Resort: Слабый дождь (всего 3.0mm), выпадающий, в основном в понедельник утром. Сравнительно теплая погода (максимум 8°C в среду утром, минимум 2°C в понедельник утром). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Погода в Mzaar Ski Resort (дни 4-6):
Преимущественно сухо. Очень тепло (максимум 12°C в субботу утром, минимум 8°C в четверг утром). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Слабый дождь (всего 3.0mm), выпадающий, в основном в понедельник утром. Сравнительно теплая погода (максимум 8°C в среду утром, минимум 2°C в понедельник утром). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Next 4-6 days weather summary:
Преимущественно сухо. Очень тепло (максимум 12°C в субботу утром, минимум 8°C в четверг утром). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Таблица выше представляет прогноз погоды в Mzaar Ski Resort, сформированный для определенной высоты: 2158 m. Наши уточненные погодные модели позволяют дифференцировать прогнозы между вершиной, серединой и нижней точкой катания на склоне Mzaar Ski Resort. Чтобы переключаться между ними, используйте линки выше таблицы. Чтобы получить предоставление об изменении погоды в регионе в целом, попробуйте наши Погодные карты для Lebanon.
The information about this resort is very innacurate. After years of terrible managment, the situation only got worse this season.
None of the maps of this resort is correct. 80km of 42 pistes has always been complete lie. Besides, the number of slopes and lifts now available to skiers has been reduced by 70%. Two entire sections - Warde, Cabane and snow park were closed down 3 years ago. What remains now is max. 6km of slopes (just check on google maps) 8 defective lifts, out of which 2 or 3 never operate. Anyone ever seen Rouge lift working? Faulcon works but greedy management never lets it run. Many slopes are never even prepared - i.e. Nabil or they're closed to public. So if you are not a beginner, you will be left with literally 2 (yes, two!!) lifts - Jabal Dib and Mzaar - if they open. And everyone who can stand on skies or board, will be there. Imagine this choas of crowds at these 2 lifts. Of course, this could be easily solved but management doesn't care once they ripped you off and got your dollars.
Lifts are in terrible conditions and dangerous. I wonder how many ACLs snapped at this brutal Kaumeh drag lift. They never open on time (some open after 11am or never), they close well before official times leaving you stranded while managment lies to people that everything is open, everyday, just to sell skipasses. If something happens to you on the slope or lift (rather high risk of that) don't count on help from the resort. The staff is rude, arrogant and often aggressive - I've seen skiers attacked by piste monitors. I've also seen injured skiers begging for help while 10 drunk monitors gathered for arak party at the top of Nabil lift.
Forget about emergency Mzaar hotline. Nobody ever picks it up. We all remember that boy stuck hunging on malfunctioning chair-lift. And the insurance you pay for in your skipass is a scam. The managment will laugh in your face if you ask about it.
Customer service doesn't exist in Mzaar. Their website and application don't work at all. Lift status has been intentionally removed so skiers can't check what lifts are open when they buy skipass. If you ask, you will be told lie - "everything open". Facebook, Instagram comments were blocked by management to stop people calling for boycot after prices were put in USD while employees are paid peanuts in local currency. Thieving Mzaar management even rips everyone off on the illegal hiked up $ exchange rate! But wait, when they give you back the change they calculate...at the lower exchange rate!!! This is basically criminal practise towards Lebanese people.
I don't need to mention sick traffic jams and disgusting, dirty parking. Everyone notices this.
If you live in UAE, KSA, Qatar do not make this mistake of coming to ski in shitshow Mzaar. There are many bigger, more attractive, cheaper and well managed resorts in the region where you will be treated with respect as a skier or snowboarder. Plenty of fantastic places in Turkey, Gorgia. Even Iran, Armenia have better ski resorts.
Faraya Ski Resort that generations of Lebanese people loved has been ruined and turned into this joke of a ski resort called Mzaar. Disgusting!!
The information about this resort is very innacurate. After years of terrible managment, the situation only got worse this season.
None of the maps of this resort is correct. 80km of 42 pistes has always been complete lie. Besides, the number of slopes and lifts now available to skiers has been reduced by 70%. Two entire sections - Warde, Cabane and snow park were closed down 3 years ago. What remains now is max. 6km of slopes (just check on google maps) 8 defective lifts, out of which 2 or 3 never operate. Anyone ever seen Rouge lift working? Faulcon works but greedy management never lets it run. Many slopes are never even prepared - i.e. Nabil or they're closed to public. So if you are not a beginner, you will be left with literally 2 (yes, two!!) lifts - Jabal Dib and Mzaar - if they open. And everyone who can stand on skies or board, will be there. Imagine this choas of crowds at these 2 lifts. Of course, this could be easily solved but management doesn't care once they ripped you off and got your dollars.
Lifts are in terrible conditions and dangerous. I wonder how many ACLs snapped at this brutal Kaumeh drag lift. They never open on time (some open after 11am or never), they close well before official times leaving you stranded while managment lies to people that everything is open, everyday, just to sell skipasses. If something happens to you on the slope or lift (rather high risk of that) don't count on help from the resort. The staff is rude, arrogant and often aggressive - I've seen skiers attacked by piste monitors. I've also seen injured skiers begging for help while 10 drunk monitors gathered for arak party at the top of Nabil lift.
Forget about emergency Mzaar hotline. Nobody ever picks it up. We all remember that boy stuck hunging on malfunctioning chair-lift. And the insurance you pay for in your skipass is a scam. The managment will laugh in your face if you ask about it.
Customer service doesn't exist in Mzaar. Their website and application don't work at all. Lift status has been intentionally removed so skiers can't check what lifts are open when they buy skipass. If you ask, you will be told lie - "everything open". Facebook, Instagram comments were blocked by management to stop people calling for boycot after prices were put in USD while employees are paid peanuts in local currency. Thieving Mzaar management even rips everyone off on the illegal hiked up $ exchange rate! But wait, when they give you back the change they calculate...at the lower exchange rate!!! This is basically criminal practise towards Lebanese people.
I don't need to mention sick traffic jams and disgusting, dirty parking. Everyone notices this.
If you live in UAE, KSA, Qatar do not make this mistake of coming to ski in shitshow Mzaar. There are many bigger, more attractive, cheaper and well managed resorts in the region where you will be treated with respect as a skier or snowboarder. Plenty of fantastic places in Turkey, Gorgia. Even Iran, Armenia have better ski resorts.
Faraya Ski Resort that generations of Lebanese people loved has been ruined and turned into this joke of a ski resort called Mzaar. Disgusting!!
Бесплатный погодный виджет Snow-Forecast, который вы можете установить в своем веб-сайте.
The Mzaar Ski Resort skiing weather widget is available to embed on external websites free of charge. It provides a daily summary of our Mzaar Ski Resort snow forecast and current weather conditions. Simply go to the feed configuration page and follow the 3 simple steps to grab the custom html code snippet and paste it into your own site. You can choose the snow forecast elevation (summit, mid-mountain or bottom lift) and metric/imperial units for the snow forecast feed to suit your own website…. Нажмите здесь, чтобы получить код для HTML-страницы.