По прогнозу в Tochal: Преимущественно сухо. Замерзание-таяние (максимум 3°C в пятницу после обеда, минимум -8°C во вторник вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Tochal Weather (Next 3 days): The snow forecast for Tochal is: Преимущественно сухо. Замерзание-таяние (максимум 3°C в пятницу после обеда, минимум -8°C во вторник вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Tochal Weather (Days 4-6): Слабый дождь (всего 3.0mm), выпадающий, в основном в воскресенье вечером. Сравнительно теплая погода (максимум 8°C в воскресенье после обеда, минимум 3°C в пятницу вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Последние наблюдения в Tochal
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Погода в Tochal
(следующие 3 дня):
По прогнозу в Tochal: Преимущественно сухо. Замерзание-таяние (максимум 3°C в пятницу после обеда, минимум -8°C во вторник вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Погода в Tochal (дни 4-6):
Слабый дождь (всего 3.0mm), выпадающий, в основном в воскресенье вечером. Сравнительно теплая погода (максимум 8°C в воскресенье после обеда, минимум 3°C в пятницу вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Преимущественно сухо. Замерзание-таяние (максимум 3°C в пятницу после обеда, минимум -8°C во вторник вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Next 4-6 days weather summary:
Слабый дождь (всего 3.0mm), выпадающий, в основном в воскресенье вечером. Сравнительно теплая погода (максимум 8°C в воскресенье после обеда, минимум 3°C в пятницу вечером). Ветер в целом останется несильным.
Таблица выше представляет прогноз погоды в Tochal, сформированный для определенной высоты: 2836 m. Наши уточненные погодные модели позволяют дифференцировать прогнозы между вершиной, серединой и нижней точкой катания на склоне Tochal. Чтобы переключаться между ними, используйте линки выше таблицы. Чтобы получить предоставление об изменении погоды в регионе в целом, попробуйте наши Погодные карты для Iran (Islamic Republic of).
Tuesday 19th November was my first ski session for the winter season in Tochal which is known to have first snow and serving novice skiers. The ski resort, at station 7, is usually open from 8am until 2pm. Because of the weekday timing, I got there around 9am. The cable car was not busy and access to the piste at station 7 was easy. Prices for this year are 5000 toman for parking and 45000 toman for skiing = 50000 toman in total. Unfortunately, there was a blizzard at the top (which no one told us about) and visibility was less than 10mts at times. Hence the second lift for the summit was closed. Snow quality was generally good; mix of powder and groomed; but conditions on the day made it hazardous and limiting in terms of skiing experience. The hotel and the restaurant were open, serving hot and cold snacks as usual. Great barley soup and sausage and eggs! In summary, Tochal is simple and fun for beginner to low intermediate level skiers. Until Dizin, Shemsak and Darbandsar are open, it is a convenient option for those who wish to practice before hitting the "real" slopes near Iran, provided they can handle overcrowded weekends with extended waiting times for up to 1.5 hrs to get up or down.
Tuesday 19th November was my first ski session for the winter season in Tochal which is known to have first snow and serving novice skiers. The ski resort, at station 7, is usually open from 8am until 2pm. Because of the weekday timing, I got there around 9am. The cable car was not busy and access to the piste at station 7 was easy. Prices for this year are 5000 toman for parking and 45000 toman for skiing = 50000 toman in total. Unfortunately, there was a blizzard at the top (which no one told us about) and visibility was less than 10mts at times. Hence the second lift for the summit was closed. Snow quality was generally good; mix of powder and groomed; but conditions on the day made it hazardous and limiting in terms of skiing experience. The hotel and the restaurant were open, serving hot and cold snacks as usual. Great barley soup and sausage and eggs! In summary, Tochal is simple and fun for beginner to low intermediate level skiers. Until Dizin, Shemsak and Darbandsar are open, it is a convenient option for those who wish to practice before hitting the "real" slopes near Iran, provided they can handle overcrowded weekends with extended waiting times for up to 1.5 hrs to get up or down.
Бесплатный погодный виджет Snow-Forecast, который вы можете установить в своем веб-сайте.
The Tochal skiing weather widget is available to embed on external websites free of charge. It provides a daily summary of our Tochal snow forecast and current weather conditions. Simply go to the feed configuration page and follow the 3 simple steps to grab the custom html code snippet and paste it into your own site. You can choose the snow forecast elevation (summit, mid-mountain or bottom lift) and metric/imperial units for the snow forecast feed to suit your own website…. Нажмите здесь, чтобы получить код для HTML-страницы.